The Value of the Individual
in the Lotus Sutra
The individual human being is metaphorically expressed in the sutra’s text as a “Treasure Tower”, emerging from the “Earth of reality”.
The “Treasure Tower” chapter describes a projection (from the Buddha’s mind) of a vision of a magnificent and extraordinarily structure (adorned with precious metals and jewels) - serenely emerging upwards from beneath the surface of the earth.
The imagery goes to show that the unexplainable structure serenely ascending high above the earth, as if ‘connecting the earth with the sky. The Buddha, who entered the Treasure Tower high in the air, would not leave ordinary people below, and he exercised extraordinary powers to lift all people in the assembly upward in the air to become on his level - starting thus a wonderful scenery called: the “Ceremony in the Air”.
Nichiren explained that the Treasure Tower symbolises the entity of the enlightened human being, and the supremely precious value of the individual. Each person is a “Treasure Tower”, and one’s own body is an existential ceremony - standing by itself as a “Ceremony in the Air”. This shows the inherent worth the individual can perceive whenever embracing the teaching of the Lotus Sutra:
“In the Latter Day of the Law, no treasure tower exists other than the figures of the men and women who embrace the Lotus Sutra”. WND1 p 299.
To “embrace the Lotus Sutra” simply means to embrace the spirit of respect to the humanity of the individual and the values expounded in the Sutra, such as that all people without any discrimination among them can manifest their highest state of life, the world of Buddhahood.
In Nichiren’s explanation, the reference he used as “The figures of the men and women” – was in itself a revolutionary statement through which gender discrimination – prevalent at that time – was surpassed.
In his book The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, P. Ikeda comments on the metaphor of the Treasure Tower: ‘[all people are] equally treasure towers worthy of supreme respect. This is the philosophy of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren’s spirit. It is true humanism”.
The Wisdom of the L.S. vol. 1 p 94.
Ikeda comments further:
“The Lotus Sutra was clearly expounded for all human beings, to enable them to attain true independence. It does not discriminate in any sense between priests and lay practitioners,
men and women, rich and poor, persons of high and low status, or young and old. It is entirely for all humanity”. (Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, v.1 p. 46-47)
Respecting diversity:
Together with the equality of all individuals to attain enlightenment, Buddhism acknowledges the wonder of diversity of all individuals. A famous Nichiren writing pictures diversity of people to diversity of flowers and fruits:
Buddhism teaches the principle of cherry, plum, peach and damson. The cherry has its distinct beauty, the plum its delicate fragrance. The peach blossom has its lovely colour, and the damson has its delightful charm. Every person has a singular mission, unique individuality and way of living.
It’s important to recognise that truth and respect it. That is the natural order of things. That is how it works in the world of flowers. There, myriad flowers bloom harmoniously in beautiful profusion. … All people have a right to flower, to reveal their full potential as human beings, to fulfil their mission in this world. You have this right, and so does everyone else. That is the meaning of human rights. (Ref.-“The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace” by Daisaku Ikeda)