Changing Destiny

Buddhism explains the mechanism of how a human revolution in one individual can change one’s destiny and radiate into great causes affecting society and the environment:

The eighth consciousness [Alaya] transcends the boundaries of the individual and interacts with the karmic energy of others. On the inner dimension of life, one’s ethnic group and humankind, and also with that of animals and plants… That’s why the human revolution of one person also changes the destiny of the person’s family and society. A positive change in the karmic energy
in the depth of one’s person’s life becomes a cogwheel for change in the karma in the lives of others… When we activate the fundamentally pure ninth consciousness [the Buddha nature] the energy of all life’s good and evil karma is directed towards value creation; and the mind of consciousness of our ethnic group and of humankind is infused with the life current of compassion and wisdom”.

The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra vol.4, p 262-263

The actual proof of the individual’s practice of Buddhism

The practical outcome of one’s human revolution is the expansion of one’s life into one’s greater-self of enlightenment:

when we base ourselves on the Mystic Law and the wonder of the Human Revolution,
our way of life becomes dedicated to the good of humanity and the well being of others “

The purpose of the Lotus Sutra is to enable us to develop in our inner (or subjective) world, the great life force to create value

no matter what circumstances we may encounter in our outer (or objective) world. This is the process called: Human Revolution”. The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra v5 p9.

Human Revolution is then a process of self-mastery aimed at creating value and revealing the best of one’s human nature: the Buddhanature.